All those with a sweet tooth should remember the address of Santomiele, because here everything revolves around the Fico Dottato Bianco de Cilento – the white fig of the region. The special feature of this fig is that it retains its full flavour even after drying due to its firm white flesh. Antonio Longo, the man behind Santomiele, is fully committed to this type of fig and is also known for another type of fig – the green fig Fiorone, which is even juicier than other figs and is our absolute insider tip. But whether white or green fig, all figs are refined according to old traditional recipes in the Santomiele laboratory – sometimes with cinnamon, sometimes with almonds, lemon slices, dark chocolate, rum or pistachio!
Salita S. Giuseppe 1
84060 Prignano Cilento
phone: +39 0974 833275
mon - sat 9.00 am - 12.00 pm + 3.00 - 6.00 pm