Meissl & Schadn is an institution in Vienna through and through – both culinary and atmospheric. Here, legendary old Viennese dishes are revived into true culinary treasures and you sit under pompous chandeliers. To get to the point, besides the classics from Tafelspitz to Salzburger Nockerln, the Wiener Schnitzel is definitely the highlight at Meissl & Schadn. To be more precise, there is even an open schnitzel kitchen in the restaurant here under the motto “Schnitzel Love”. In the open salon kitchen, the schnitzels are breaded directly on site, baked golden brown in butter, lard or vegetable oil and served with side dishes as desired. And if you want to take your schnitzel skills home with you, every Tuesday between 4 and 6 p.m. you can learn how to make the schnitzel as well as the legendary Viennese apple strdul, using the “undressed” technique, of course. Advance registration is necessary.
Schubertring 10 - 12
1010 Vienna- 1. Bezirk
phone: +43 1 91880300
cuisine: historic austrian
daily 12.00 - midnight