Here you can let the Almerlebnis 3.0 have an effect on you. First you take the Asitzbahn to the second station, the mountain station. On the left side, the Hendl Fischerei is unmissable: The construction, no the Ufo, is very spacy and stylish. Most of the walls are mirrored on the outside, so that one has the feeling to dive into the surrounding mountain massifs. The “hut” itself has two floors, whereby the second floor looks like a gallery – from the tables one has a gigantic view into the mountain world – accompanied by the sounds of the in-house DJ. At the bottom, the heart of the building is a custom-made wooden strip that merges with the staircase. This is very impressive. You can enjoy a drink at the bar or lunch at the legendary Hendl, which are prepared by the operator Huwi himself. There are also ribs and Steckerlfisch on offer. This hut is a very fun, modern alpine experience. Either you go downhill with the Asitzbahn until 16.30 or you go down into the valley – a 120-minute descent. You have probably already noticed the many people in the cable car who have a bicycle with them. These are downhill riders who dive down from the top station by bike – on two different routes with two levels of difficulty.
Pirzbichl 21
5771 Pirzbichl
phone: +43 6583 20800
cuisine: local
from May till September
mon - fri 10.00 am - 4.00 pm