Such a bold symbiosis of modern technology and tradition, scientific progress and love of olive oil cannot be found anywhere else. For centuries, Comincolis have been known for Gropello, their renowned wine and Comincioli olive oil, which is among the best extra virgin olive oil in the world. Not only can you get to know the fantastic olive oils, grappa and wines during guided tours of the facilities, but you can also learn interesting details that you won’t find in any textbook. All processes of olive oil production are optimized annually through the collaboration of Gianfranco Comincioli and inventive machine-builders within the framework of research projects. Since 2001, the pure olive oil has been pressed exclusively from olives that are ready to be harvested, fresh and of the highest quality, without coming into contact with oxygen. Several machines have been developed for this process. The picking mechanisms have also been optimised so that each individual olive can be harvested without damage and immediately sent to the oil mill. The result of these processes is an olive oil whose aromas, vitamin content and colour make it incomparable.
Via Roma 10
25080 Puegnago del Garda
phone: +39 0365651141
sunday closed
mon - sat 9.00 am - 12.00 pm + 2.30 pm - 7.00 pm